We are called to partnership with Jesus, to be do’ers of the Word and not hearers, etc. However, I do believe that true salvation is more than metaphorically signing your name on a dotted line stating you believe in Jesus. We do not have to earn our salvation as you said, it is a gift. Christians are just as fault for creating that misunderstanding, especially those who emphasize sin and hell above all else. There seems to be a misunderstanding about salvation by grace vs. I feel overwhelmed when I contemplate that God sent Jesus as the ultimate sacrifice for human sin and we now have “bold and confident access to God through Jesus” (can’t remember the verse)…but overwhelmed in a good way at God’s love for us. Thank you for your thorough comment! I never thought that “having a direct channel to God is impossible” would be the barrier to entry for some, but that is interesting.
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This song conveys that message of Christ as a gift to us so well – He sets us free from the bondage of the world. We as His church, must do better at reaching those who think accepting a relationship with Christ is work, rather than a gift to us from God.

Once that channel is opened and received on the person’s side, working for God may not always be easy, but with it comes an immense joy because the Spirit fills and sustains us. The Gospel is really a rest – because Jesus carries the burden of your life once you give it to Him, and He did so by dying on the cross for us. In reality, however, Christ has already provided the channel – freely to those who choose to accept it. Even though they “work” at it – it is too hard to establish. Enjoy the lovely words and lyrics of Jesus Paid It All, the traditional, classic hymn and Christian song. One of the panel members made the comment that one obstacle he sees for many of the younger generation, along with other barriers, is the mindset that having a vertical channel with God is impossible.
#Jesus paid it all lyrics how to#
Great post Retrospective Lily!! Ironically, I had just been watching a video of a panel meeting to discuss how to reach Millennials (Gen Y) and Post-Millennials (Gen Z) with the Gospel.